Day 6: The mission of Francis in South Asia – 1542-1549 (part 2)
Heartsong from Inner Music
By Madeleine Doherty (CD1 track 2)
Instrumental harp music based on Madeline's meditations.
Shen Khar Venakhi from Crux Vocal Ensemble
By Crux Vocal Ensemble
Crux is a gathering of voices on the Atlantic fringe of Europe in the historic city of Dublin.
Nature from
No music playing
Day 6: The mission of Francis in South Asia – 1542-1549 (part 2)
Francis found the behaviour of Europeans in India difficult to bear. Too many of the Portuguese officials and traders were determined not to let his pursuit of souls interfere with their pursuit of riches.
At one point Francis writes: “I am so sick of life that the best thing for me would be to die for the defence of our faith. It is difficult to see so many sins committed and to be able to do nothing.” Despite these negative feelings, Francis continued his missionary efforts with enthusiasm.
When life seems pointless, or when people who should know better let me down, how do I react? To whom do I turn?
Lord, you are always there, ready to strengthen me for the struggle.
O most kind and loving saint, in union with you I adore the Divine Majesty. The remembrance of the favours with which God blessed you during life, and of your glory after death, fills me with joy, and I unite with you in offering to God my humble tribute of thanksgiving and of praise.
I implore of you to secure for me, through your powerful intercession and the all important blessing of living and dying in the state of grace. I also beseech you to obtain the favour I ask in this novena…
but if what I ask is not for the glory of God or for the good of my soul, obtain for me what is most conducive to both.