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Trust in God

There’s an inspiring passage from The Book of Habakkuk where the author describes the attitude of a person whose world has come apart –they have lost their livelihood and income, everything! The bottom has fallen out of their world, as happens to countless numbers of people every day, especially in war zones and many other areas of life. Yet the author, faced with such a huge calamity, can still say, ‘Yet I will rejoice in the Lord / and exult in God my saviour / The Lord my God is my strength’ (Habakkuk 3:18–19). That is just one of the extraordinary acts of trust in God found throughout the Bible. That’s the kind of faith involved in ‘I believe in God.’ At such times, many of us may not be able to make such an act of trust as it seems to defy the odds. We simply allow ourselves to be carried along by the prayerful trust of our faith community as if we’re stowaways on their prayers. Experience also confirms that those with a deep trusting faith are supported by their conviction that God can be relied on, especially during difficult times, because the Bible reassures us that God is on the side of the broken-hearted.

Jim Maher SJ, Reimagining Religion: A Jesuit Vision

We remember at this time...

Our thoughts and prayers are with Pope Francis as he struggles with serious health issues. We unite in prayer with our brothers and sisters across the globe, seeking the Lord’s grace for his healing and restoration. Pope Francis, who has selflessly placed the well-being of the world before his own, continues to inspire us with his unwavering commitment to prayer and service.
May we strive to see the world through the eyes of Jesus, asking for unity in the midst of suffering and for peace to overcome the strife and inequality that afflict humanity. We pray that the light of God’s love will shine through the darkness and bring forth restoration from the pain that Pope Francis endures, and from the suffering and division that mark our world. Amen.

Sacred Space – Daily Prayer for 25 Years

Sacred Space began in 1999 and has offered new content every day since then. You can learn more about Sacred Space on our About page, or if you are a regular, you can share your Sacred Space Story on our Feedback page. For our 25th anniversary, we are featuring stories from people for whom Sacred Space has played a special part in their lives. Please consider sharing your Sacred Space Story.

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