Apostleship of Prayer

Each month the Pope entrusts a prayer intention to his Worldwide Prayer Network, the Apostleship of Prayer. These intentions, which express the Pope’s concern for humanity and the mission of the Church, are made available along with a morning and evening prayer. Let’s join many others around the world and pray with the Pope.

Pope’s Intention March 2025

Let us pray that broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other’s gifts, even in their differences.

Morning Prayer

Lord, I give you thanks for this new day.

With the Pope this month, I pray that the healing power of forgiveness touches the hearts of all who are struggling, and may they find the strength to restore the bonds of love and unity. Lord, guide us to recognize the gifts within each other, even when we are different, and help us to build families grounded in your peace and grace. We trust in your unwavering love to lead us through the difficulties we face, offering solace, comfort, and the promise of hope. In your name, we pray, Amen.

Look kindly on all our intentions this day, through Christ our Lord. 

Evening Prayer

Thanks, O God, for this day

For all that was good in it, and for any good I did for others.

Thanks for those who helped me in any difficulties today.

Keep safe and well in your love all those I care for, especially those who are ill or near death.

May I help tomorrow those I meet who are in need.

Our Father …

From Pope Francis

To hope, then, is to welcome this gift that God offers us every day.

To hope is to savour the wonder of being loved, sought, and desired by a God

who has not shut himself away in His impenetrable heavens but has made

himself flesh and blood, history and days, to share our lot.