We invite you to make a ‘Sacred Space’, praying here and now, as you visit our website, with the help of the Gospel of the day and on-screen guidance.

Begin the Prayer


Trust in God

Worry is the cause of many of the world’s problems, and it can be a warning sign that God is not first in my life at this point in time.
A day of worrying can be more exhausting than a day of hard work. Nothing wastes more energy than worrying. It’s a total waste of time and it’s useless. Worry can damage your health. It can raise your blood pressure, cause depression, increase your stress levels and give you sleepless nights. It can be a slow killer.
There is no pill you can take to stop you from worrying; no seminar, book or CD will stop you from worrying. The answer is to put God in control of your life. Trust him. Leave tomorrow to God. Don’t cross bridges until you reach them. Don’t open your umbrella until it starts raining.
Hand over everything to God: yourself, your problems, plans and health, everything. Surrender and abandon yourself to him. Your future is in God’s hands and in God’s hands you are in safe hands. Trust him and all will be well. Easier said than done. It may take time. But it works.

Terence Harrington OFMCap, excerpted from The Sacred Heart Messenger, December 2023

We remember at this time...

This is the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (18-25 January).  This offers us a particular opportunity to celebrate all that we have in common with all Christians, to express regret for the pain caused by our divisions and to ask the Lord to deepen in us the hope that we will all be one someday in the future. We are encouraged to participate in the Week of Prayer in some appropriate way. Some suggestions are:

  • Remember the intentions of the week in personal and communal prayer.
  • Use the prayers at Mass to pray for the unity of all Christians.
  • Write a letter of greeting or send an email to a person from another Christian tradition whom you know either through work or personal contact.
  • We give thanks for the growth in unity among Christians and ask for the Lord’s blessing on the work that still needs to be done.

Sacred Space – Daily Prayer for 25 Years

Sacred Space began in 1999 and has offered new content every day since then. You can learn more about Sacred Space on our About page, or if you are a regular, you can share your Sacred Space Story on our Feedback page. For our 25th anniversary, we are featuring stories from people for whom Sacred Space has played a special part in their lives. Please consider sharing your Sacred Space Story.

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