We invite you to make a ‘Sacred Space’, praying here and now, as you visit our website, with the help of the Gospel of the day and on-screen guidance.
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Come into a closer relationship with God
Reflection on the journey of life invites us to appreciate our gifts as well as our areas of struggle so that we can grow in openness to the Lord and to his way. During their time in the wilderness, the Chosen People were changed in their relationship with God, with Moses and with each other. Sometimes, these changes were positive, but on other occasions, that was not so. The Commandments taught them about a God of love who called them into a true relationship with God and with each other. They reminded them that God was close to them, concerned about them and committed to them. Their image of God underwent change, as did their relationship with God. The covenant made them into a people bonded with the Lord in a special way. The law of love was to guide their relationships. While that did guide them at times, on other occasions, they went their own way, even making and worshipping false gods. Selfish interests took precedence at times, and the bigger vision was lost. Similarly, we are made in the image of God with the potential to grow. As people of the New Covenant, we are given a special dignity and invited to a closer relationship with God. Our image of God and of the self can undergo change. Growing in self-knowledge, we can expand the freedom we have to respond to the Lord in living the commandment of love. We can also go our own way, however, by finding and worshipping false gods. The choices we make have implications for our relationship with the Lord and with each other. By reflecting on our experience and learning from it, the way is opened to change and more faithful living in the truth the Lord reveals to us.
Extracted from See God Act: The Ministry of Spiritual Direction by Michael Drennan SJ
We remember at this time...
Spring 2025 has kicked off once again with a slow but steady start. We are beginning to see tiny buds on the trees, snowdrops have already appeared, and daffodils are starting to flower. Nature is amazingly resilient, and the circle of life begins over and over again each year. We are sometimes so wrapped up in our own concerns and agendas that we don’t notice the new life appearing. Let us pause for a moment and enjoy the beauty that is visible all around us. We cannot solve the world’s problem’s but we can hand them over to our God, who will willingly shoulder our burdens. He knows that we need hope, and He has provided nature for us to enjoy, and nature is forever hopeful. Amen!
Sacred Space – Daily Prayer for 25 Years
Sacred Space began in 1999 and has offered new content every day since then. You can learn more about Sacred Space on our About page, or if you are a regular, you can share your Sacred Space Story on our Feedback page. For our 25th anniversary, we are featuring stories from people for whom Sacred Space has played a special part in their lives. Please consider sharing your Sacred Space Story.
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