Day 9: Death of Francis off the coast of China (December 3, 1552)
Heartsong from Inner Music
By Madeleine Doherty (CD1 track 2)
Instrumental harp music based on Madeline's meditations.
Shen Khar Venakhi from Crux Vocal Ensemble
By Crux Vocal Ensemble
Crux is a gathering of voices on the Atlantic fringe of Europe in the historic city of Dublin.
Shen Khar Venakhi from Crux Vocal Ensemble
By Crux Vocal Ensemble
Crux is a gathering of voices on the Atlantic fringe of Europe in the historic city of Dublin.
No music playing
Day 9: Death of Francis off the coast of China (December 3, 1552)
Francis died of fever at the age of 46 on the island of Sanchian, within sight of China. He did not achieve his ambition to reach the mainland. That was to be the privilege of a fellow Jesuit, Matteo Ricci. His hope was that if China accepted Christianity, all Asia would be open to the faith. His ambition was greater than one person could ever achieve.
St. Francis Xavier is the patron saint of the missions. He has always been exceptionally popular not only with Catholics, but with many non-Catholics, too. He is probably the most famous of all Jesuits. He was canonised as a Saint in 1622, together with St. Ignatius Loyola.
What can I, personally, learn from reflecting on the life of St. Francis Xavier?
As I consider the goals in my life, is love of God and His people central?
What worldly ambitions in my life do I need to let go of?
Am I ready to hand my life over to God and His service?
Saint Francis Xavier, pray for us.
O most kind and loving saint, in union with you I adore the Divine Majesty. The remembrance of the favours with which God blessed you during life, and of your glory after death, fills me with joy, and I unite with you in offering to God my humble tribute of thanksgiving and of praise.
I implore of you to secure for me, through your powerful intercession and the all important blessing of living and dying in the state of grace. I also beseech you to obtain the favour I ask in this novena…
but if what I ask is not for the glory of God or for the good of my soul, obtain for me what is most conducive to both.