First Day - God smiles on me
Heartsong from Inner Music
By Madeleine Doherty (CD1 track 2)
Instrumental harp music based on Madeline's meditations.
Shen Khar Venakhi from Crux Vocal Ensemble
By Crux Vocal Ensemble
Crux is a gathering of voices on the Atlantic fringe of Europe in the historic city of Dublin.
No music playing
First Day - God smiles on me
Scripture Mark 10:21 NRSVue
Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said, “You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.”
There was a French mystic who said: ‘Lord you gazed on me and you smiled!’ Imagine the Lord close to you and smiling. What better to do than to smile back? Allow yourself to do this and tell him how it makes you feel. Relax and enjoy being loved by him.
Lord, I come to you full of needs. But my deepest need is to become more convinced of your love for me. Help me to believe that you do smile on me, now, tomorrow and always. Amen.
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.
Lord, work on my heart until it becomes like your Sacred Heart. Give me hope. Then I can love you and all my sisters and brothers with the respect, compassion, and forgiveness that you have for everyone. I ask this in your name. I ask you to grant my special request during this novena (here, mention your intention). If what I ask is not for my own good and the good of others, grant me what will most help to build up your kingdom of justice, love and peace. I make this prayer with confidence in your love. Amen