Friday of the 3rd week of Lent
Heartsong from Inner Music
By Madeleine Doherty (CD1 track 2)
Instrumental harp music based on Madeline's meditations.
Shen Khar Venakhi from Crux Vocal Ensemble
By Crux Vocal Ensemble
Crux is a gathering of voices on the Atlantic fringe of Europe in the historic city of Dublin.
Shen Khar Venakhi from Crux Vocal Ensemble
By Crux Vocal Ensemble
Crux is a gathering of voices on the Atlantic fringe of Europe in the historic city of Dublin.
No music playing
Friday of the 3rd week of Lent
As I quieten myself for this time with the Lord, I offer my prayer for all those who are suffering in the world today.
2 Esdras 6:43-44 NRSVue
For your word went forth, and at once the work was done. Immediately fruit came forth in endless abundance and of varied appeal to the taste, and flowers of inimitable color, and odors of inexpressible fragrance. These were made on the third day.
I’m too busy. I don’t have time. From when I get up in the morning to when I go to bed at night, it’s go, go, go. I never have time for myself. In my haste to get from A to B, I don’t see anything. I am too focused on the destination to delight in the journey. God gave us a beautiful, colourful, fragrant world full of fruits and flowers. Today, I will stop and smell the roses. I will make time to go outside and hug a tree or stand in the grass in my bare feet. I will watch the moon rise or the sun set. I will dip my hand in a cold stream or look up at the clouds in the sky. I will take 5 minutes, just 5 minutes, to breathe, and in doing so, thank God for the beauty around me, a beauty that I am often too busy to see.
Abba Father, despite the suffering and darkness that is in the world, there is also much beauty, much goodness, and much to wonder at. Thank you for the magnificence of your creation and help me to take the time to savour it, dwell in it, treasure it and enjoy it. Amen.