Tuesday of the 5th week of Lent
Heartsong from Inner Music
By Madeleine Doherty (CD1 track 2)
Instrumental harp music based on Madeline's meditations. www.madeleinedoherty.ie
Shen Khar Venakhi from Crux Vocal Ensemble
By Crux Vocal Ensemble
Crux is a gathering of voices on the Atlantic fringe of Europe in the historic city of Dublin. www.cruxvocalensemble.com
No music playing
Tuesday of the 5th week of Lent
God is always calling to me, in a still, small voice. Can I hear it? What is He saying today?
Acts 24: 15-16 NRSVue
I have a hope in God—a hope that they themselves also accept—that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. Therefore I do my best always to have a clear conscience toward God and all people.
There’s an old quip that says a conscience is that little voice that tells us someone may be watching. Conscience has two parts: 1) a commitment to morality itself, i.e. acting and choosing morally as best I can; and 2) judging whether something I’ve done or am thinking of doing would violate that commitment. Do I listen to that inner voice? Do I pay attention to those twinges? Or do I ignore them, subvert them, drown them out? As a Christian, I thank God for the gift of penance, for the opportunity to clear my conscience so that I might start again, with a clean slate. Today, I will pay more attention to what I do, asking myself whether I am acting and choosing morally as best I can. I will listen to that inner voice.
Dear Jesus, help me to see conscience as a gift, not as a burden. It is really the place where you and I meet and are one. You are Life, Lord, and Freedom. Conscience is about truth, and you said that the truth makes us free. (John 8:32). Help me to always follow the path of truth, and to live in the true freedom it brings. Amen.