Lent 2025 Retreat – Pilgrims of Hope

Journey with us together through Lent, using the Gospel of Luke to pray the scripture and reflect on how hope can be part of our daily lives. Let us take a few minutes each day to find new hope and peace in the Lord, as we read about the story of Jesus’ life, ministry and ultimate sacrifice for us. Now is the time to renew our faith, hope and love, and to experience what matters most in our lives. We pray that this Lenten retreat will bless each one of us and remind us that we are all part of the Sacred Space family, united in prayer and thanksgiving, with brothers and sisters all over the world.
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Pope Francis has asked us to fan the flame of hope that has been given to us, and to help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision.
What if we were to start praying for hope every day. No matter how desperate a situation feels. No matter how much we despair. No matter how difficult times are. Would we see a difference? Yes! We may see a change in our circumstances but what we will find more than anything is to know the hope we are called to in Christ Jesus.
On a practical note
The retreat can take as little as 3-5 minutes, or 15-20 minutes, or more, depending on how much time you have, and how deeply you want to enter into prayer. If you have the time and the inclination, we encourage you to spend as long as you can with anything that jumps out for you from the reflections or the scriptures themselves. Stay with those words and let them settle deeply into your heart, mind, and soul. You might like to take notes or journal. Perhaps you’ll stay with one word or phrase that resonates most strongly with you. Or come back to the prayers of a previous day, and stay with those for a few days. Or stay with the words or scripture of a particular day and meditate on them for as long as you feel you need. There are no rules. Listen to your heart and do what is right for you. It won’t matter if you miss a couple of days. Whether you join us from the beginning or go back and catch up, it’s up to you.
We begin our journey of hope …