
The Examen is a way of praying and reflecting on the day that has just been, and it is one of St. Ignatius’ great legacies that he left for us.

This can be a brief time of prayer or a longer one. It is very much up to the individual, their preferences, needs, and lifestyle.

The Examen is a type of “examination of conscience”, where we reflect on our day, and “play” the events of the day back through our minds, to see where God has been present to us, how God has been working in our lives, and where we might have fallen short, missed God, or not been present to the work of the Holy Spirit as much as we might have been.

There is no condemnation in this prayerful exercise, but it is an opportunity to bring loving attention to all in our lives for which we can give thanks and also to the ways in which we could improve and grow in holiness, truthfulness, and love.

We can think about our relationships with other people, with God, and with ourselves. We can think about where we served, or where we were served. We can think about what worried us, burdened us, upset us, and equally, what delighted us, surprised us, and helped us.

There are as many ways to pray the Examen as there are individuals in the world, each one loved uniquely and infinitely by God. We hope the short and simple stages we offer in this Examen help you discover a way of praying with this form of prayer that works for you. May it help you grow in your relationship with God, become part of your daily rhythm of prayer, and bless you and all those you love and pray for.