Luke 11:29-32

29 Když se u něho shromažďovaly zástupy, začal mluvit: „Toto pokolení je pokolení zlé. Hledá znamení, ale jiné znamení mu dáno nebude než znamení Jonášovo. 30 Jako Jonáš byl znamením pro Ninivany, tak bude i Syn člověka znamením pro toto pokolení. 31 Královna jihu povstane na soudu proti mužům tohoto pokolení a odsoudí je, protože přišla až z daleké země, aby slyšela Šalomounovu moudrost, a zde je přece (někdo) víc než Šalomoun. 32 Ninivští mužové povstanou na soudu proti tomuto pokolení a odsoudí ho, protože se na základě Jonášova kázání obrátili, a zde je přece (někdo) víc než Jonáš.!

Několik myšlenek k tomuto verši Písma

Jonah's work was to call a whole people to recognise their sin and need for God's forgiveness.

Jesus is saying, pretty strongly, that something similar is called for now.

Do I hear this? How do I react?

Jonah was remembered as the prophet who warned his people to repent, and all of them, including the king, heard and heeded him. They seized their opportunity and were ready to be jolted out of their routine.

Lord, you come to me in unexpected and sometimes unwelcome forms. The Jews who gathered round Jesus failed to recognise the truth he spoke. May I be ready not merely to listen to your words, but to shape my life by them.

The sign Jesus refers to is not the mysterious sign of Jonah in the whale’s belly, but the sign of repentance which Jonah preached to the people, and which the Queen of the south with all her finery accepted. They listened to the word of God; this is the new sign of Jesus. All his works and energy reinforce that his word is true and is the word of God. All scripture can lead us to repentance – to a change of mind and heart to be more like the heart and mind of Jesus.