We are here to love and serve God

The examen is a tool we use along the way – to find God in our lives, to discover what needs to be done, to reflect on our actions and motives and to make good choices.

That, in a nutshell, is what Ignatian spirituality is all about. Ignatius brought contemplation and action together, but the senior partner in the alliance is action. In the Ignatian scheme of things, we love and serve God by being joined with Christ in the work of saving and healing the world. The end of the examen is action – responding to God more faithfully, discerning our part in Christ’s mission, and making good decisions about how to fulfil it.

Excerpted from A Simple Life-Changing Prayer by Jim Manney (p. 76)

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Great to Be Young

The third Jesuit preference is to ‘accompany the young in the creation of a hope-filled future’… Accompanying young people in the creation of a hope-filled future can be challenging. Apart from positive role models, what can be done to promote a hope-filled future for young people? The most obvious response is the opportunity for a young person to be supported in having as good an education and formation as possible, addressing all aspects of the human person – intellectual, social, psychological, physical, spiritual and religious. Retelling the positive events of a community’s story is also critical, because it reminds us of what we’re capable of and how to achieve it. It also reinforces the relational aspect of our identity, reminding us that each individual is part of a bigger story.

Excerpted from Reimagining Religion : A Jesuit Vision by Jim Maher SJ

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Prayer for Life

The first and most important part of life’s prayer is thanksgiving, looking back in particular at the events of the past that have given you comfort.  What in the past period has given you joy, space, strength, courage, rest …? Take a moment to let that look, that word, that image, that music, that gesture, that idea … return to your eyes or ears, to taste it in your heart… This consolation, however small and insignificant it may seem, says something about how and where you experienced God. These small details are more important than spectacular events. After all, the latter occur rarely, or never. On the other hand, our lives are full of ‘banal’ occurrences. If you learn to distinguish God’s presence in these events, then you are on a golden path that offers itself daily and continuously.

Excerpted from Living with Ignatius: On the Compass of Joy by Nikolaas Sintobin SJ (p.49)

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There is No Need to Be Afraid

‘Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.’ – Luke 12:32

Jesus assures us that there is no need to be afraid of the future. Life is a pilgrimage that keeps moving. The kingdom of God on earth could be described as a society of justice and peace. We should try to live a life in love and service in order to build up this kingdom. When we do so, we obtain real wealth, not just for ourselves, but for others. This approach means that we are ready to meet Jesus, our shepherd, at any time.

Excerpted from God in Every Day: A Whispered Prayer  by Deirdre Powell, (p.95)

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Every night I try to think of three things in the day that has passed that I can give thanks for. Sometimes it requires a bit of a struggle because something may have happened in that day that has obscured any sense of gratitude. However, and to be honest,  there are always at least three things to give gratitude for: The little bit of wisdom that ‘gratitude is often the shortest-lived emotion’ has forced me to dwell on those things I give thanks for. When I think of the things in my day that I can say ‘thank you’ for, rather than swallow them quickly, I savour them and dwell on them.

Excerpted from Dipping Into Life by Alan Hilliard (p.36)

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Obedience Yes, Sorcery, No

Ignatius’s attitude to life challenges us, the modern people of the twenty-first century. It was probably confrontational in its radicality even in his own time. Because of his attitude he asks us what and how we believe. In particular, he asks Christians whether they really believe in the God revealed by Jesus, an ever-creating God who is lovingly close to men at all times of the day and night. We will probably often have to answer this question with the words that the father of the possessed boy addressed to Jesus:
I believe, help my unbelief!’ (Mark 9:24)

Excerpted from Living with Ignatius: On the Compass of Joy by Nikolaas Sintobin SJ (p.29)

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Is There a Cure for Loneliness?

To put this another way, loneliness is a subjective experience. It is worth being clear about this, otherwise it is easy to fall into offering solutions to others and forgetting that what works for one person is not necessarily right for another. Advice based on our own experience, such as ‘I’d advise you to…’ needs to be complemented by time spent listening to another person and trying to understand what they really mean when they say anxiously ‘I feel alone’. This is because feeling alone doesn’t necessarily mean feeling unloved. Sometimes it may do. At other times it is really about feeling a failure, or reaching one’s limits, or tiredness, or even competitiveness or guilt or insecurity…The list of what these words might mean stretches ad infinitum.

Excerpted from Dancing with Loneliness by José Maria Olaizola SJ (p.27)

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Not All Spirituality Is Equal…

Within the human heart there are always going to be contradictory stirrings. Therefore, we need to pay attention to what’s authentic and to what’s preventing us from growing into an integrated and balanced human person. ‘I’m spiritual’ – but, as we have seen, not all spirituality is equal. Inspiration can be both good and bad. There is compelling evidence that contemporary society has lost its way. This is confirmed by daily news bulletins…Humans are responsible for much of the evil in the world…Therefore, the importance of regular reflection to assess which direction we’re moving in, personally and collectively, cannot be emphasised enough.

Excerpted from Reimagining Religion by Jim Maher SJ (pp.20-21)

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Ignatian Reflection

  • It is good to be aware of the ‘angel of light’ deception, where apparently good things can, if unexamined, bring you in a bad direction.
  • Reflecting on experience to examine the whole course of events, beginning, middle and end, will enable us to see where they are leading.
  • Interior freedom and distance from our ideas, plans or desires allows us to examine them more closely and gain perspective on ‘pet projects’ or keenly felt passions.

Excerpted from Discover God Daily by Brendan McManus SJ and Jim Deeds) p.63)

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Believe in the Unseen

I believe in the existence of the wind. Do you?  I have never seen the wind. Have you? And yet, I believe the wind exists. Not only that, I believe that the wind is an awesome thing.

Why should this be? I know that some very weighty and academic studies and explanations of the wind have been written through the ages. But none of these are the reason I believe that the wind exists. The only reason I believe the wind exists is that I have experienced the wind and its effects. Simple. Full stop. I have experienced it.

I believe in God for the very same reason: I have had a personal experience of God. I have had the experience of God in so many ways in my life: in the love of my family and friends, in the stillness of my prayer life and the sacraments, in the wonderful world of nature.

Excerpted from Finding God in the Mess: Meditations for Mindful Living by Jim Deeds and Brendan McManus SJ (pp. 103-104)

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