Wednesday 19 February
Lord, help me to be fully alive to Your holy presence. Enfold me in Your love. Let my heart become one with Yours.
By God’s grace I was born to live in freedom,
free to enjoy the pleasures He created for me.
Dear Lord, grant that I may live as You intended,
with complete confidence in Your loving care.
Heavenly Father, thank You that Your love never fails and that Your mercies are new every morning. May I never fail to turn to You with my needs, with my love.
The Word of God
Mark 8:22-26 NRSVue22They came to Bethsaida. Some people brought a blind man to him and begged him to touch him. 23He took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village, and when he had put saliva on his eyes and laid his hands on him, he asked him, “Can you see anything?” 24And the man looked up and said, “I can see people, but they look like trees, walking.” 25Then Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again, and he looked intently, and his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. 26Then he sent him away to his home, saying, “Do not even go into the village.”,
“Copyright © 2021 National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.”
In this miracle, there is an extraordinary intimacy between Jesus, the incarnate Son of God, and the blind man as he puts his own human spittle on his eyes, almost like a balm, and restores his sight. ‘For I am gentle and humble of heart.’ We go to God through living our humanity.
‘Do not even go into the village.’ After a conversion, which is seeing in a new way, we must not go back to our old ways of living.
“Stay and watch with me.”
These were Your words, Lord, to the disciples,
before Your suffering and death.
I know, Lord, You will stay and watch over me
all the days of my life.
I thank God for His gift of love
as I go forth with joy and hope
to serve His people.
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Sacred Space is a ministry of the Irish Jesuits.